Pesticide Analysis

Pesticide Analysis

Pesticides are substances designed to control pests, including those that spread human or animal diseases, unwanted species of plants or animals, or any organism that could cause harm during the production, processing, or storage of food and agricultural commodities. The most common pesticides are intended to serve as plant protection products for farmers or agricultural manufacturers but can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. Read on to learn about pesticide analysis and how our products and services can help your workflows.

Are Your Products Free of Pesticides?

While pesticides protect crops during the growing and production stages, these chemicals must be eliminated from products to ensure they are safe for commercial consumption. Most foods or natural samples are complex; therefore, sample preparation is most often required before the analysis to achieve reliable analytical results. Solid phase extraction (SPE) is the most selective isolation/cleanup technique to reduce matrix effects during the analysis and guarantees accurate and reproducible analytical results.


LC-MS/MS Detection of Glyphosate/AMPA/ Glufosinate in Red Wine Without Prior Derivatization

Since 1970, glyphosate has been used as a systemic, non-selective herbicide and crop desiccant on farms, in fields, and in public and residential areas. This application note describes the automation of the isolation of glyphosate, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), and glufosinate from red wine using a Gilson ASPEC system.


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